
Capsule wardrobe, a stylist’s special offer for you

In today’s fast-paced world, not only do people have little time to do their life affairs, but places are also smaller than before. Most people in modern societies live in small apartments where they have to keep only their essential necessities. This question has probably arisen for you, considering the small space of your closet and the small number of clothes: how can you use a set of diverse and non-repeating clothes? We have to say that you are not alone, and the attention of fashion experts and stylists has been drawn to this issue long before this moment. In the middle of the 20th century, the challenges in modern urbanization gradually attracted the attention of designers and stylists, how their customers could make the most of these small spaces to create diverse combinations in their clothes.


what do I wear?

It has definitely happened to you that you want to go to a party or rush out of the house and ask yourself: what should I wear now? In fact, the capsule wardrobe, in addition to saving time and money, can be an answer to this question. A “capsule wardrobe” is a wardrobe in which a collection of several essential clothing items is available that will never go out of style. A collection that can be combined with each other to create variety in your style; also, in different seasons, you can keep them up to date by combining these clothes with pieces of clothes from different seasons.

The clothes in the capsule wardrobe should have the capacity to be matched with the clothes of different seasons. The main items of this closet can include some pants, skirts, top garments such as shirts, tops, coats, or gowns, as well as all kinds of shoes and bags; There are non-original items and some accessories such as hats, shawls, accessories, sunglasses, jewelry, etc.

To create your own capsule wardrobe, you must first answer a few questions:

In order to be able to offer you a suitable wardrobe, fashion stylists first ask you to answer a few questions to yourself. First, in which climate zone do you live? Second, what is your type of job and where do you go most often? Thirdly, what is your style, i.e. do you choose clothes according to your own interest in them? Fourth, what is your color preference, your skin color and what colors suit you best? Fifth, what part of this closet do you currently have and what part should you get? Sixth, how much space do you have for clothes? Seventh, how much budget do you have to buy your incomplete items? Now that you are familiar with the concept of a capsule wardrobe and its importance in the contemporary world, to answer the above questions, refer to the article “Tricks for arranging a personal capsule wardrobe” to use the tricks introduced in this article to build your personal capsule wardrobe

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